The Fedaration of Slovaks of Great Britain

Archív pre november, 2016

Pozvánka na Katarínsku zábavu/Invitation to Kathrin party

garden party

Kedy? 26.11.2017, od 17.30. hod do 23.hod.

Kde? The Cricklewood Club, 327 Edgware Rd., London, NW2 6JP

Tube station Wilesden Green, bus 266, smer Brent Cross, zástavka Crickkewood Bus Carage

Tickets? 12 pounds, at entrance 15 pounds, Mrs. Viera,Mob.07908621253 e.mail<vieragal@ymail.com

DJ Milan

Vstup je požadovaný v spoločenskom oblečení

When? 26.11.2017, 6.30. pm to 11.pm.
Where? The Cricklewood Club, 327 Edgware Rd., London, NW2 6JP
Green Wilesden tube station, bus 266, direction Brent Cross Bus stop Crickkewood Carag
Tickets? 12 pounds, 15 pounds at entrance, Mrs.
Viera, Mob.07908621253 e.mail <vieragal@ymail.com
DJ Milan
Entry is required in
nice dress

Meky v Londýne medzi svojimi krajanmi/ Meky in London among his compatriots


V sobotu 29. novembra sme sa zúčastnili super exluzívneho koncertu Mira Źbirku s jeho tímom. Preplnená sala našich krajanov na Great Portlande bola v euforii, spievali s ním, tancovali a tlieskali  mu skutočne dlho, viac krát za sebou. Nezostavalo mu nič iné ako dávať prídavky. Zloženie jeho kapely bolo medzinárodné slovensko-česko-anglicko-irske. Najvzácnejším hosťom bol Ír Forst, ktorý mu pomohol otvorit dvere do nahrávacieho štúdia na Abbey Road, kde nahrávala slávna skupina Beatles a iní slávni napr. Fred Mercury. Meky tu nahral najnovšie CD s názvom Miro, kde sú tiež po anglicky naspievané piesne, najznámejšia z nich Blondýna z Londýna. Meky ako ho takto nazývajú jeho kamoši známy svojími pútavými komentármi okrem iného povedal, že rád chodí do Londýna nielen preto, že tu má rodinu (jeho matka pochádzala z Mill Hil East a jej brat tu ešte žije a jeho syn tu študuje), ale aj preto, že tu má nás svojich krajanov. Miro vďaka za úžasnú show a prajeme ti, aby si prerazil aj v Británii.

We participated at a super exclusive concert Miro Zbirka with his team on the Saturday, November 29. Full hall of our compatriots at Great Portland venue was euphoric, singing with him, they danced and applauded him long indeed, several times in a row. Therefore it gives such allowances. The composition of his band was the International Slovak-Czech-English-Irish. The most valuable guest was Irish Forst, which he helped him open the door to a famous recording studio at Abbey Road where the Beatles recorded and others f. e. Fred Mercury. Meky here to load the latest CD called Miro, which is also sung English songs, the most famous being Blonde girl from London. Mekky as he thus called his friends known for its eye-catching comments, among other things said that likes to go to London just because it’s a family (his mother was from Mill Hil East and her brother are still alive and his son studies here), but also because there has us his compatriots. Miro thanks for a wonderful show and we wish you to get pierced in Britain.

